Karakuri Work Kit - Kolorin DIY Trick Box

Click to get Karakuri Work Kit  Kolorin DIY Trick Box Item ID: #28570
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PLEASE NOTE THAT INSTRUCTIONS ARE WRITTEN IN JAPANESE ONLY! Don't think of it just as a “rolling ball”! This ball is the biggest key to opening the drawer. This build-it-yourself wooden puzzle box features a plexi glass top to display the mechanism by which you open the drawer. This creative and fun wooden project is made from plywood.  You can paint or draw something you like on the box when it is assembled. Comes with illustrated step-by step instructions that are written in Japanese only!! Wood glue is required for assembly, but is not provided in the kit itself.The difficulty of building the puzzle is harder than the actual puzzle itself. CARE AND UPKEEP OF JAPANESE WOODEN PUZZLE BOXES.

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